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Nitrogen Plants

Best engineering performance made in Germany

High-efficient Nitrogen Generator by PSA | Mahler AGS

NITROSWING PSA units are designed for nitrogen generation from ambient air.

The pressure swing adsorption (PSA) technology employs the basic principle of air separation at ambient temperatures by using carbon molecular sieve (CMS; a material that adsorbs oxygen to leave a rich stream of nitrogen).

Plant features of the NITROSWING nitrogen generation plant:

Low cost on-site production
Fast start-up , fully automatic and unattended operation
Product flexibility regarding flow and purity
Completely pre-manufactured skids
High availability and reliability
Design for long lifetime


Typical Applications for Nitrogen Generator Plants:

Metallurgical / heat treatment
Chemical and petrochemical industry
Float glass
Food industry
Electronic industry
Oil and gas

Additional/Optional features for nitrogen generation plants:

Individual plant concepts with respect to local situation (building available, etc.), admissible sound emission can be offered. Furthermore concepts with additional oxygen removal (DEOXO) can be considered in order to achieve oxygen contents below < 3 vppm. For a detailed process description and flowsheet please click here.

Plan data:

ambient air
Nitrogen capacity:
200 to 4.000 Nm³/h
Purity (N2 + Ar):
up to 99,99 vol.-%
6 – 9 bar(abs)

* at exit nitrogen PSA unit; higher pressures on demand.

For the generation of Nitrogen by means of the pressure swing adsorption process (PSA) the following carbon molecular sieves (CMS) can be used:
CMS made of base material charcoal
CMS made of base material coconut shell


01. 01 Cost-effective on-site nitrogen generation

02. No operating personnel required

03. Product flexibility in terms of quantity and purity

04. High availability and reliability

Bau einer StickstoffanlageBau einer Stickstoffanlage
Construction of a Nitrogen Plant
Skid Construction
Stickstoff PSA-AnlageStickstoff PSA-Anlage
Nitrogen PSA Plant

Are you ready for a cost effective on-site plant?