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Hydrogen Generation Plants Hydroform C

Best engineering performance made in Germany

Hydrogen Generation by Steam Reforming | Mahler AGS

Mahler AGS hydrogen plants based on steam reforming of hydrocarbons cover hydrogen demands from 200 to 20.000 Nm³/h at purities up to 99,9999 vol.-% and typical product pressures from 10 bar to 30 bar(abs).

How does the generation of hydrogen by means of steam reforming work?

The majority of Hydrogen is produced by steam methane reforming (SMR). Hydrogen is generated from a hydrocarbon (e.g. natural gas) and water at high temperatures in catalytic reformers. Typically, the Hydrogen is purified by using a PSA unit. About 95 % of the total global Hydrogen is used at the site where it is produced.

In most cases, the steam is generated inside the hydrogen plant by cooling down the hot process gas and the fluegas from the steam reformer.

At Mahler-plants the ignition of the burners is done automatically from the control container/room, no manual ignition by an operator is necessary. Mahler designs tailor-made and standard plants and has already built more than 4500 plants worldwide.


From a reasonable and economical point of view the operating pressure of the Hydrogen-PSA-unit, as part of a hydrogen generation plant as well as for a stand-alone plant, should be between 10 and 30 bar(abs).



01. High quality and safety standards

02. Proven components from well-known suppliers

03. Long lifetime

04. Support via remote monitoring and control

HYDROFORM-C 6000 Nm³/hHYDROFORM-C 6000 Nm³/h
HYDROFORM-C 6000 Nm³/h
4500Nm³/h Wasserstoff4500Nm³/h Wasserstoff
4500Nm³/h Hydrogen
Hydrogen Generation

Plant Features of the HYDROFORM-C Hydrogen Generation Plant:

  • Design for long lifetime
  • High operational reliability
  • High quality and high safety standard
  • First class sub-suppliers for equipment and components
  • Fully automatic operation and remote control
  • Prefabrication in skids/modules
  • Easy maintenance and accessibility

Plant data:

Natural gas, LPG, naphtha
Hydrogen capacity:
200 to 20.000 Nm³/h
Hydrogen product pressure:
10 – 30 bar(abs)
Hydrogen purity:
up to 99,9999 vol.-%

Typical consumption data for 1.000 Nm³/h hydrogen:

Natural gas:
430 Nm³/h
Demineralized water:
900 kg/h
Cooling water:
38 m³/h
Electric power:
38 kW


Additional/Optional features for hydrogen generation units:

Individual plant concepts with respect to desulphurization, export steam generation, product compression, turn-key delivery, water treatment, hydrogen product storage etc. can be offered.

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