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Hydrogen Generation Plants

Best engineering performance made in Germany

Hydrogen Generation and Production Plants | Mahler AGS

Mahler AGS has more than 60 years experience and know-how in designing and manufacturing hydrogen generation and purification plants. As one of the internationally leading suppliers of steam reforming and pressure swing adsorption technology, Mahler AGS provides proven and reliable systems which are exactly tailored to the customer’s requirements and can be easily integrated into already existing processes.

Different feedstocks can be used for the hydrogen generation e.g. natural gas, LPG, Naphtha as well as hydrogen rich gases from various processes.

Hydrogen is an important utility for numerous applications in multiple industries. Users in a wide range of industries can benefit from operating a cost-effective Mahler AGS hydrogen plant and reduce their production costs significantly.

Applications for Hydrogen Generation Plants

    • Metallurgical and steel industry
    • Petrochemical and refining industry
    • Glass and float glass manufacturing
    • Chemical and pharmaceutical industry
    • Production of H2O2
    • Food industry
    • Electronics industry
    • Technical gases

01. Internationally leading supplier

02. More than 60 years of experience

03. Safety and reliability

04. Tailored to your needs.

Anlage zur WasserstofferzeugungAnlage zur Wasserstofferzeugung
Hydroswing Hydrogen Plant
HYDROFORM-C 6000 Nm³/hHYDROFORM-C 6000 Nm³/h
HYDROFORM-C 6000 Nm³/h
Hydrogen Plant
Erzeugung von 1000 Nm³/h WasserstoffErzeugung von 1000 Nm³/h Wasserstoff
Generation of 1000 Nm³ / h hydrogen

Are you ready for more economic efficiency?

Verfahrensingenieur Vertrieb (m/w/d)

  Ihr Aufgabengebiet umfasst das Erfassen von kunden- und projektspezifischen Anforderungen und deren Umsetzung in verfahrenstechnische Lösungen. Als innovatives Engineering-Unternehmen gehört die Mahler AGS GmbH mit Sitz in Stuttgart zuden

Bachelor of Engineering (B. Eng.) Service Ingenieurwesen​

Das dreijährige Duale Studium zum Bachelor of Engineering verbindet Theorie und Praxis.