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Process Gas Membranes

Best engineering performance made in Germany

Membrane Units for Gas Separation and Purification | Mahler AGS

Mahler AGS process gas membrane units can be employed in numerous processes. The application area can range from purification or recovery of waste gas streams to generation of a high quality product (e.g. hydrogen, methane, syngas, helium).

Package units including process gas compression, pre- and after-treatment can be realized. A typical membrane system includes a treatment unit with filter and a heater for performance adjustment of the separation process itself. Additional after-treatment units can consist of optional drying units, heat management systems or even high-purity PSA systems. Also units including high pressure process gas compressors can be provided.

A unique selling point of Mahler AGS systems is the possibility of tailor made control systems for adjustable part-load operation and the design and execution of the plant based on customer’s specifications.

For a detailed process description and process flowsheet please click here.

Mahler AGS process gas membrane systems are custom made package units for a wide range of applications. Various process gas mixtures can be handled with a product recovery of 98 % and product purities up to 99 vol.-%.

01. Manual and fully automatic operation

02. Product flexibility with respect to quantity, yield and purity

03. High availability and reliability

04. Prefabrication in skids

Process Gas Membranes
Process Gas Membrane Scheme

Features of the Gas Membrane Separation Unit:

  • Manual or automatic and unattended operation options
  • Product flexibility regarding flow, purity and recovery
  • Completely pre-manufactured skids
  • High availability and reliability
  • Design for long lifetime

Typical applications for process gas membrane units

  • Chemical and petrochemical industry
  • Oil and gas
  • Refineries
  • Electronic industry

Unit data:

Prozessgase / Erdgas / Brenngas
5.000 bis 60.000 Nm³/h
20 bar(abs) – 160 bar(abs)
bis zu 99 vol.-%
bis zu 99 %

Are you ready for more flexibility?

Verfahrensingenieur Vertrieb (m/w/d)

  Ihr Aufgabengebiet umfasst das Erfassen von kunden- und projektspezifischen Anforderungen und deren Umsetzung in verfahrenstechnische Lösungen. Als innovatives Engineering-Unternehmen gehört die Mahler AGS GmbH mit Sitz in Stuttgart zuden

Bachelor of Engineering (B. Eng.) Service Ingenieurwesen​

Das dreijährige Duale Studium zum Bachelor of Engineering verbindet Theorie und Praxis.